

httpRequest: BaseHttpRequest


  • Confirm an order This endpoint allows customers to confirm the order and start the fulfillment in the production facility.


    • orderId: string | number

      Order ID (integer) or Order External ID (string prepended with "@" symbol)

    • OptionalxPfStoreId: string

      Use this to specify which store you want to use (required only for account level token).

      The store IDs can be retrieved with the Get basic information about stores endpoint.

    Returns CancelablePromise<any>

    any OK


  • Create a new order item This endpoint allows the creation of a new item that will be added to an existing order.


    • orderId: string | number

      Order ID (integer) or Order External ID (string prepended with "@" symbol)

    • requestBody: CatalogItem

      POST request body

    • OptionalxPfStoreId: string

      Use this to specify which store you want to use (required only for account level token).

      The store IDs can be retrieved with the Get basic information about stores endpoint.

    Returns CancelablePromise<any>

    any OK


  • Create a new order This endpoint allows the creation of a new order in which the default status will be draft.


    • OptionalxPfStoreId: string

      Use this to specify which store you want to use (required only for account level token).

      The store IDs can be retrieved with the Get basic information about stores endpoint.

    • OptionalrequestBody: {
          customization?: Customization;
          external_id?: string;
          order_items: CatalogItem[];
          recipient: Address;
          retail_costs?: RetailCosts_2;
          shipping?: string;

      POST request body

      • Optionalcustomization?: Customization
      • Optionalexternal_id?: string

        Order ID from the external system

      • order_items: CatalogItem[]

        Array of order items

      • recipient: Address

        The recipient data.

      • Optionalretail_costs?: RetailCosts_2
      • Optionalshipping?: string

        Shipping method. Defaults to 'STANDARD'

    Returns CancelablePromise<any>

    any OK


  • Delete Order Item Remove a single item from the order.


    • orderItemId: string | number

      Item ID (integer) or Item External ID (string prepended with "@" symbol)

    • orderId: string | number

      Order ID (integer) or Order External ID (string prepended with "@" symbol)

    • OptionalxPfStoreId: string

      Use this to specify which store you want to use (required only for account level token).

      The store IDs can be retrieved with the Get basic information about stores endpoint.

    Returns CancelablePromise<void>



  • Delete an order

    Warning: The DELETE HTTP method in version 2 of order in the API will delete the order if the order can be deleted. This is distinct from version 1 where the DELETE method will actually cancel the order rather than delete it. Please, keep this in mind if you are migrating to version 2 from version 1

    Delete the order if it can be deleted. An order can be deleted if it's status is draft, failed or cancelled. The order must also have not been charged yet and there must be no payments pending.


    • orderId: string | number

      Order ID (integer) or Order External ID (string prepended with "@" symbol)

    • OptionalxPfStoreId: string

      Use this to specify which store you want to use (required only for account level token).

      The store IDs can be retrieved with the Get basic information about stores endpoint.

    Returns CancelablePromise<void>



  • Retrieve an invoice Returns the invoice for an order as a base64 encoded document. Decoding the base64 content can be different depending on the client, for most browsers this format will alow you to view and display the invoice data:application/pdf;base64,{the_base_64_content_string}.


    • orderId: string | number

      Order ID (integer) or Order External ID (string prepended with "@" symbol)

    • OptionalxPfStoreId: string

      Use this to specify which store you want to use (required only for account level token).

      The store IDs can be retrieved with the Get basic information about stores endpoint.

    Returns CancelablePromise<any>

    any OK


  • Retrieve a single order item This endpoint will retrieve a single order item specified in the request.


    • orderItemId: string | number

      Item ID (integer) or Item External ID (string prepended with "@" symbol)

    • orderId: string | number

      Order ID (integer) or Order External ID (string prepended with "@" symbol)

    • OptionalxPfStoreId: string

      Use this to specify which store you want to use (required only for account level token).

      The store IDs can be retrieved with the Get basic information about stores endpoint.

    Returns CancelablePromise<any>

    any OK


  • Retrieve a list of order items This endpoint retrieves the list of items that belong to the order.


    • orderId: string | number

      Order ID (integer) or Order External ID (string prepended with "@" symbol)

    • Optionaltype: string

      Type of items returned (order_item, branding_item). By default all items are returned.

    • limit: number = 20

      The number of results to return per page.

    • Optionaloffset: number

      The number of results to not include in the response starting from the beginning of the list.

      This can be used to return results after the initial 100. For example, sending offset 100

    • OptionalxPfStoreId: string

      Use this to specify which store you want to use (required only for account level token).

      The store IDs can be retrieved with the Get basic information about stores endpoint.

    Returns CancelablePromise<any>

    any OK


  • Retrieve a single order Retrieve a single order from the specified store. The result object will contain links to the same resource, order items, and shipments.


    • orderId: string | number

      Order ID (integer) or Order External ID (string prepended with "@" symbol)

    • OptionalxPfStoreId: string

      Use this to specify which store you want to use (required only for account level token).

      The store IDs can be retrieved with the Get basic information about stores endpoint.

    Returns CancelablePromise<any>

    any OK


  • Retrieve an order estimation task Retrieve an order cost estimation task from a specific store. Estimation results are only available for one hour after cost estimation task is done.


    • id: string

      Order estimation task ID.

    • OptionalxPfStoreId: string

      Use this to specify which store you want to use (required only for account level token).

      The store IDs can be retrieved with the Get basic information about stores endpoint.

    Returns CancelablePromise<any>

    any OK


  • Retrieve a list of orders Retrieve a list of orders from a specific store. The order list will be paginated with twenty items per page by default.


    • limit: number = 20

      The number of results to return per page.

    • Optionaloffset: number

      The number of results to not include in the response starting from the beginning of the list.

      This can be used to return results after the initial 100. For example, sending offset 100

    • OptionalxPfStoreId: string

      Use this to specify which store you want to use (required only for account level token).

      The store IDs can be retrieved with the Get basic information about stores endpoint.

    Returns CancelablePromise<any>

    any OK


  • Retrieve a list of shipments Shipments contain information about how and when your orders items will be delivered and fulfilled.


    • orderId: string | number

      Order ID (integer) or Order External ID (string prepended with "@" symbol)

    • OptionalxPfStoreId: string

      Use this to specify which store you want to use (required only for account level token).

      The store IDs can be retrieved with the Get basic information about stores endpoint.

    • limit: number = 20

      The number of results to return per page.

    • Optionaloffset: number

      The number of results to not include in the response starting from the beginning of the list.

      This can be used to return results after the initial 100. For example, sending offset 100

    Returns CancelablePromise<any>

    any OK


  • Update an order item Make a partial update of an order item. NOTE that the source of the order item can't be changed via a PATCH request, to create an order item from another source you must delete the current one and add a new one.


    • orderItemId: string | number

      Item ID (integer) or Item External ID (string prepended with "@" symbol)

    • orderId: string | number

      Order ID (integer) or Order External ID (string prepended with "@" symbol)

    • requestBody: CatalogItem

      PATCH request body

    • OptionalxPfStoreId: string

      Use this to specify which store you want to use (required only for account level token).

      The store IDs can be retrieved with the Get basic information about stores endpoint.

    Returns CancelablePromise<any>

    any OK


  • Update an order Make a partial update of an order.


    • orderId: string | number

      Order ID (integer) or Order External ID (string prepended with "@" symbol)

    • OptionalxPfStoreId: string

      Use this to specify which store you want to use (required only for account level token).

      The store IDs can be retrieved with the Get basic information about stores endpoint.

    • OptionalrequestBody: {
          customization?: Customization;
          external_id?: string;
          order_items?: CatalogItem[];
          recipient?: Address;
          retail_costs?: {
              currency?: string;
              discount?: string;
              shipping?: string;
              tax?: string;
          shipping?: string;

      PATCH request body

      • Optionalcustomization?: Customization
      • Optionalexternal_id?: string

        Order ID from the external system

      • Optionalorder_items?: CatalogItem[]

        Array of order items

      • Optionalrecipient?: Address

        The recipient data.

      • Optionalretail_costs?: {
            currency?: string;
            discount?: string;
            shipping?: string;
            tax?: string;

        Retail costs

        • Optionalcurrency?: string

          The code of the currency in which the retail costs are returned.

        • Optionaldiscount?: string

          Discount sum.

        • Optionalshipping?: string

          Shipping costs.

        • Optionaltax?: string

          Sum of taxes (not included in the item price).

      • Optionalshipping?: string

        Shipping method. Defaults to 'STANDARD'

    Returns CancelablePromise<any>

    any OK
