Type Alias Address

Address: {
    address1?: string;
    address2?: string;
    city?: string;
    company?: string;
    country_code?: string;
    country_name?: string;
    email?: string;
    name?: string;
    phone?: string;
    state_code?: string;
    state_name?: string;
    tax_number?: string;
    zip?: string;

Information about the address

Type declaration

  • Optionaladdress1?: string

    Address line 1

  • Optionaladdress2?: string

    Address line 2

  • Optionalcity?: string


  • Optionalcompany?: string

    Company name

  • Optionalcountry_code?: string

    Country code

  • Optionalcountry_name?: string

    Country name

  • Optionalemail?: string

    Email address

  • Optionalname?: string

    Full name

  • Optionalphone?: string

    Phone number

  • Optionalstate_code?: string

    State code

  • Optionalstate_name?: string

    State name

  • Optionaltax_number?: string

    TAX number (optional, but in case of Brazil country this field becomes required and will be used as CPF/CNPJ number)
    CPF format is 000.000.000-00 (14 characters);
    CNPJ format is 00.000.000/0000-00 (18 characters).

  • Optionalzip?: string

    ZIP/Postal code