Type Alias RetailCosts

RetailCosts: {
    calculation_status?: CalculationStatus;
    currency?: string;
    discount?: string;
    shipping?: string;
    subtotal?: string | null;
    tax?: string;
    total?: string | null;
    vat?: string;

The Order's retail costs

Type declaration

  • Optionalcalculation_status?: CalculationStatus
  • Optionalcurrency?: string

    The code of the currency in which the retail costs are returned.

  • Optionaldiscount?: string

    Discount sum.

  • Optionalshipping?: string

    Shipping costs.

  • Optionalsubtotal?: string | null

    Total cost of all items.

  • Optionaltax?: string

    Sum of taxes (not included in the item price).

  • Optionaltotal?: string | null

    Grand Total (subtotal-discount+tax+vat+shipping).

  • Optionalvat?: string

    Sum of VAT (not included in the item price).