

httpRequest: BaseHttpRequest


  • Set up webhook configuration Use this endpoint to enable a webhook URL for a store and select webhook event types that will be sent to this URL.

    Note that only one webhook configuration can be active for each private OAuth token or app, calling this method will disable the previous webhook configuration.

    Setting up the Catalog stock updated webhook requires passing products (currently only IDs are taken into account).

    Stock update webhook (catalog_stock_updated) will only include information for the products specified in the products param.

    Configuring all other events require the same set of fields with no parameters.


    Returns CancelablePromise<Response200>

    any OK


  • Disable support for event Disables the event for a store and clears its configuration, leaving other webhooks intact.


    • eventType: string

      Event type

    • OptionalxPfStoreId: string

      Use this to specify which store you want to use (required only for account level token).

      The store IDs can be retrieved with the Get basic information about stores endpoint.

    Returns CancelablePromise<void>



  • Get event configuration Returns event configuration for store


    • eventType: string

      Event type

    • OptionalxPfStoreId: string

      Use this to specify which store you want to use (required only for account level token).

      The store IDs can be retrieved with the Get basic information about stores endpoint.

    • OptionalshowExpired: boolean

      If this parameter is passed with value true, expired settings will be returned instead of a 404 warning.

    Returns CancelablePromise<Response200>

    any OK


  • Get webhook configuration Returns a configured webhook URL and a list of webhook event types enabled for the store


    • OptionalxPfStoreId: string

      Use this to specify which store you want to use (required only for account level token).

      The store IDs can be retrieved with the Get basic information about stores endpoint.

    • OptionalshowExpired: boolean

      If this parameter is passed with value true, expired settings will be returned instead of a 404 warning.

    Returns CancelablePromise<Response200>

    any OK
